New Continuity Insights Webinar: Evolving Crisis Management Post-Covid-19

Continuity Insights has announced that Evolving Crisis Management Post-Covid-19 has been added to its summer 2021 webinar calendar. Ashley Goosman, Publisher of Disaster Empire, will be the featured speaker for the broadcast, which is scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. ET. The primary focus of crisis management ...

Continuity Insights has announced that Evolving Crisis Management Post-Covid-19 has been added to its summer 2021 webinar calendar. Ashley Goosman, Publisher of Disaster Empire, will be the featured speaker for the broadcast, which is scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. ET.

The primary focus of crisis management is implementing a process by which businesses limit damage and respond to incidents. Although many organizations had crisis or pandemic plans in place before the pandemic hit, many have recognized that they fell short of their intended goals. Post-Covid, many of us are re-examining crisis response.

During this revealing discussion, Goosman will present helpful changes, chief among them, taking a collaborative approach across your organization to share intel, prepare, and respond to events. By taking a cross-functional approach that breaks down silos, you not only build a more effective crisis team but mitigate crisis impacts. It also includes adding non-traditional team members from enterprise risk, business representatives, and corporate administrative groups.

A key element of future crisis teams is understanding risk across the enterprise, enabling companies to be better prepared for any threat. Another is to move beyond the ICS model and leverage a resilience framework that incorporates a customer and employee-centric focus approach.

Registration for Evolving Crisis Management Post-Covid-19 is open here.

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