BCI Partners with FortressAS on Latest Pandemic Research

The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) has announced a partnership with Fortress Availability Services (FortressAS) on the BCI’s latest research project: Post-Pandemic: The ‘NEW’ Resilience Industry. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread around the globe, many countries, industries, and individual organizations are trying to determine what the “new normal” will ...

The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) has announced a partnership with Fortress Availability Services (FortressAS) on the BCI’s latest research project: Post-Pandemic: The ‘NEW’ Resilience Industry.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread around the globe, many countries, industries, and individual organizations are trying to determine what the “new normal” will look like. The special report will seek to determine how the latest pandemic will impact and shape business continuity and resilience disciplines and find answers to some of the most talked about questions:

  • Is there more need for agility within the BC and resilience industry?
  • How can we better protect supply chains and ensure that they can cope with uncertain situations, even for long periods of time?
  • Will business continuity become more of a priority within C-Suite agendas?
  • Will organizations increase their budgets and spending for planning and embedding BC within their operations and staff training?
  • What will the new BIA look like?
  • Sustainability: given the length of the latest pandemic crisis, will BC professionals focus more on making BC plans sustainable for longer periods?
  • Will BC and resilience professionals be working more remotely?
  • What will be the role of technology in this ‘new reality’ and how will it support BC plans?

This report will take the form of a series of focus groups with some of the industry’s leading professionals, followed by a comprehensive survey amongst the entire community. This latest research project will begin in May, with publication in July.

Read the full announcement at the BCI.org.

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