Why People Should be at the Heart of Business Continuity Planning

When was the last time you stopped to consider the importance of your employees in running your business? It’s a question worth answering because, obviously, no organization can function without its people. And during and after a crisis, it is the resilience of the people that make up an organization’s ...

When was the last time you stopped to consider the importance of your employees in running your business? It’s a question worth answering because, obviously, no organization can function without its people. And during and after a crisis, it is the resilience of the people that make up an organization’s community that get it back on its feet and working again.

However, a people-centric approach to business continuity is still a relatively new concept. Traditionally, business continuity focused on facilities management: ensuring the safety of premises and equipment in case of fire, theft etc.

What sets a people-centric approach to business continuity planning apart is the recognition that humans are the greatest asset for any organization: both in terms of potential for disaster and potential for aiding recovery.

Read the full article via TheBCI.org.

Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Professional Development

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From Prevention To Action: The Role Of Facilities Management In Handling Emergencies And Maintenance

This free webinar on facility resilience will provide actionable strategies to safeguard assets, protect lives, and ensure operational continuity.

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Listen Now: Decision-Making During A Crisis

Robert C. Chandler, Ph.D, Founder and Principal of Emperiria discusses his research on adaptive decision-making in this podcast.

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