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ACP October Webinar Announced

Deciphering Overlapping Standards and Requirements, Using the BCP Genome Why focus on just one standard, when you could comply with any or all of them? Discover a better way to interpret the alphabet soup of ISO, FFIEC, COBIT, COSO, NFPA, NASD, DRI, BCI, Basel II and other standards to your ...

Deciphering Overlapping Standards and Requirements, Using the BCP Genome

Why focus on just one standard, when you could comply with any or all of them? Discover a better way to interpret the alphabet soup of ISO, FFIEC, COBIT, COSO, NFPA, NASD, DRI, BCI, Basel II and other standards to your greatest advantage.

Join ACP for its October webinar “Deciphering Overlapping Standards and Requirements, Using the BCP Genome” on Wednesday, October 18, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. The session will be presented by Frank Purlmutter, Founder & President, Strategic BCP.

The webinar will address:

  • ISO22301:2012—is it really the gold standard for your industry? Explore whether a one-standard-fits-all solution is desirable, or even practical.
  • Harnessing the best attributes of standards, best practices, and frameworks for your BC, DR, and EM plans.
  • Evaluating BC standards. Learn how one company has already mapped multiple business continuity standards to 101 essential characteristics, and how you can build upon that logic in your BC plans.

Additionally, the strategies behind the BCP Genome framework and how that approach can help you develop more practical and thorough business continuity plans will be discussed.

Registration is now open.

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