In today’s evolving threat landscape an active shooter response plan is no longer enough as mass violence events have dramatically increased, especially in the area of vehicular terrorist attacks. Behavioral psychologist and workplace violence expert Steve Crimando will lead the discussion on these attacks in the upcoming webinar, Emerging Trends in Mass Violence: Vehicular Terrorist Attacks, scheduled for June 20, 2018.
From 2014 through April 30, 2018 there were 25 terrorist vehicle ramming attacks worldwide. These attacks have resulted in 214 deaths and 881 injuries, including those killed and injured in the most recent attack in Toronto. Such attacks have dramatically increased in their frequency over the past three years. They have become the tactic of choice for Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs) who have increasingly employed vehicle ramming as a low-cost, low-tech weapon of mass destruction. The ease of execution combined with the difficulty in detecting or deterring such attacks has made this terrorist tactic a particularly challenging problem for the law enforcement and intelligence community.
In his presentation, Crimando will help define and understand the scope of the problem; analyze trends, patterns and case examples; review the vehicular attack “playbook”; discuss attacker motivations and pre-incident behaviors; and unveil strategies for safety and survival.
Register here for this important event.