The Future of Business Continuity & Resilience Report Released

The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) has released The Future of Business Continuity & Resilience, a new report that takes an in depth look at the industry and how it will change due to the pandemic. The elevated position business continuity finds itself in as a result of COVID-19 means that ...

The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) has released The Future of Business Continuity & Resilience, a new report that takes an in depth look at the industry and how it will change due to the pandemic.

The elevated position business continuity finds itself in as a result of COVID-19 means that many working in the industry believe it will receive additional financial support and/or resources post-pandemic. However, most believe that this additional support will be short lived, and those working in the industry need to take advantage of these resources within six months.

Report highlights include:

  • Over 95% of BC professionals believe they will get greater financial/resource support post-pandemic
  • 78.3% think there will be greater collaboration between BC and other areas including IT
  • Almost three quarters (73.2%) think the Board are aware of the value of BC
  • 59.6% do not expect BC to be involved in strategic decisions, but would expect strategic decisions to be informed by BC plans

Download The Future of Business Continuity & Resilience to find out more about where our industry is heading here.

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