The BCI, in partnership with Sungard AS, has launched its newest report Organizational Resilience – Perspectives from the Industry. The report is designed to help better understand the dynamics of organizational resilience within organizations themselves. It contains analysis of the findings of a major survey and follow-up interviews conducted with some of our most senior members.
The report captures responses from contributors from around the world, both BCI members and non-members, and makes use of survey results and comments provided through several detailed interviews with industry practitioners to ensure that the report provides practical suggestions to accompany the analytical insights.
Organizational Resilience – Perspectives from the Industry shines a light on the success factors that organizations have discovered on their OR journeys as well as acknowledging some of the challenges they have encountered. Many of the findings reinforce the importance of people and culture in developing effective resilience capabilities – successful organizations understand that resilience is people-focused.
Learn more and download the report via The