New White Paper: Digital Transformation in the New Normal

Digital Transformation in the New Normal: The Importance of Building Resilient Businesses, a new white paper from Everbridge, outlines how to adapt your business to the changing landscape. Few ideas have captured the imagination of business leaders as much as digital transformation, or the reinvention of processes, customer interactions, and ...

Digital Transformation in the New Normal: The Importance of Building Resilient Businesses, a new white paper from Everbridge, outlines how to adapt your business to the changing landscape.

Few ideas have captured the imagination of business leaders as much as digital transformation, or the reinvention of processes, customer interactions, and transactions around digital tools. The COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity to accelerate digital transformation, as cloud computing, e-commerce, and virtual teams have become the only options for conducting business.

A 2020 Boston Consulting Group survey found that 75% of executives regard digital transformation as a more urgent priority in light of the COVID-19 crisis, indicating that if it’s not a current priority, you’re likely lagging behind your competitors. As Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently put it, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”

Download the white paper to learn:

  • The power of automation and anticipating future crises
  • Digital Transformation best practices and how the pandemic has increased its importance
  • How to improve business resilience by protecting not just your people and assets, but also your data

Download “Digital Transformation in the New Normal: The Importance of Building Resilient Businesses” here.

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