Preparing for Winter Weather During a Pandemic will be the featured topic during the next installment of the Continuity Insights Webinar Series scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, 2020. This live Q&A discussion will feature The National Weather Service’s Paul Yura and Jason Franklin, and AlertMedia’s Peter Steinfeld.
This new webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. ET.
Winter weather can take a toll on the physical and mental health of your employees. But this winter poses an added concern for organizations everywhere. In addition to the typical disruptions and injuries caused by icy roads, heavy snowfall, and freezing temperatures, organizations must also prepare for a potential surge of COVID-19 cases and increased employee stress due to remote work and changes in normal routines.
In this live Q&A, the panel will answer your questions about how to prepare for this uniquely challenging winter season. Come prepared to ask questions, share your experiences, or voice your concerns – and be ready for an engaging discussion.
Registration for Preparing for Winter Weather During a Pandemic is now open here.