Make Sure Your BCP Is Flexible: New Continuity Insights Webinar

Are you trying to make your BCP practical and easy to follow, while keeping it flexible enough to respond to any scenario that threatens your business? Make Sure Your BCP Is Flexible will give you the tools you need to incorporate flexibility in your BCP. This new Continuity Insights webinar ...

Are you trying to make your BCP practical and easy to follow, while keeping it flexible enough to respond to any scenario that threatens your business? Make Sure Your BCP Is Flexible will give you the tools you need to incorporate flexibility in your BCP.

This new Continuity Insights webinar – You Built Your BCP to Address Identified Threats, Then a New One Hits! Make Sure Your BCP Is Flexible – is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Throughout this webinar you will learn how to ensure that your practical needs are met while at the same time adhering to industry standards and best practices, all while preparing for every possible threat.

Tam Williams, Project Manager/Business Continuity Consultant with KingsBridge BCP will give you industry proven tips and tricks for each stage of your BCP, covering everything from risk management to your BIA to plan maintenance and exercising. You’ll gain exposure to Simple & Straightforward perspectives, real-world experiences, industry best practices, and practical takeaways on flexibility that you can implement in your BCP.

The webinar will begin at 2:00 p.m. ET. Register free for Make Sure Your BCP Is Flexible here.

Disaster Recovery, Enterprise Risk, Methodology / Metrics, News, Professional Development

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