Business Resiliency

Quiz of the Week: How Well Do You Handle Maintenance Mishaps?

Continuity Insights Quiz of the Week
Think you're a pro at keeping things running smoothly? Test your knowledge of proactive maintenance, supply chain strategies, and the secrets to minimizing downtime in the world of manufacturing.

Will AI Help Organizations Manage Uncertainty?

Artificial Intelligence
Research finds that combining organizational learning and AI-specific learning can help organizations manage uncertainty more effectively.

Deepwatch Honored For Excellence In Veteran Employment, Support 

Veterans Day
Two federal and industry awards recognize the threat and exposure innovation startup as a leading employer for Veterans.

Quiz of the Week: Test Your Cybersecurity Knowledge

Continuity Insights Quiz of the Week
How much do you know about cybersecurity? Take this week’s Continuity Insights quiz and find out.

NERIS Supports Fire Departments With New Cloud-Based Platform

Fire Station
The National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS) aims to modernize incident data collection for American Fire Departments.

Building Resilient Supply Chains Through Effective Maintenance

supply chain
Manufacturers need to plan for potential disruptions to supply chains that could significantly impact their operations.

Planning For Resilience: What Happens When The Power Goes Out?

power outage
To build resilience against power disruptions, BC professionals need to encourage teams within their organizations to take proactive steps.

Workers’ Comp Ghost Policies Put Businesses At Risk

Workers' Comp Ghost Policies
Workers' compensation benefits protect a business and its employees with medical care and lost wages during recovery. Buying a ghost policy is a gamble not worth taking.

Are U.S. Business Leaders Rushing AI Adoption?

AI Adoption
A new report from Stibo Systems exposes the need for training on how to use AI responsibly, and raises concerns over literacy, ethics, and preparedness.

Climate Risk Is A Business Threat, Say Insurance Executives

Climate Risk
In a new Conning Focus Report, 91% of respondents expressed "significant" concern regarding the impacts of climate as a physical and transitional risk for their businesses.

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