Is There a Cyber Security Expert in Your Organization?

The 2018 Gartner CIO Agenda Survey reports that only 65% of CIOs report having a cyber security expert in their organization. The findings are somewhat surprising as 95% of CIOs expect cyber threats to increase over the next three years. The Gartner survey findings collected data from more than 3,100 ...

The 2018 Gartner CIO Agenda Survey reports that only 65% of CIOs report having a cyber security expert in their organization. The findings are somewhat surprising as 95% of CIOs expect cyber threats to increase over the next three years.

The Gartner survey findings collected data from more than 3,100 CIO respondents in 98 countries. The CIOs represent a cross-section of major industries responsible for approximately $13 trillion in revenue/public sector budgets and $277 billion in IT spending.

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