Coronavirus Dashboard Monitors Breaking Alerts, Updates

Swan Island Networks has launched a TX360 Coronavirus Dashboard that monitors breaking alerts and updates around the world for up-to-date tracking of this critical global issue. Earlier this week, more than 4,515 cases of the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus had been reported in China, with 106 deaths; at least 17 cities are ...

Swan Island Networks has launched a TX360 Coronavirus Dashboard that monitors breaking alerts and updates around the world for up-to-date tracking of this critical global issue. Earlier this week, more than 4,515 cases of the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus had been reported in China, with 106 deaths; at least 17 cities are under lockdowns impacting 50 million people.

While no reported deaths have occured outside China so far, at least 47 cases of the novel coronavirus have been confirmed in 16 other countries. The virus has prompted the CDC to issue it’s highest alert level for China and the US State Department has also issued a Level 3: “Reconsider Travel” alert.

The Swan Island Networks TX360 Coronavirus Dashboard is tracking the spread of known and confirmed cases, and related news, alerts and other resources. The TX360 demo site can be accessed here with the password: Awareness 2020.

TX Global is a breakthough, real-time global intelligence alerting service, provide highly relevant security alert coverage for all range of hazards. This subscription intelligence service offers a hybrid alerting model incorporating premium, analyst-curated content and machine-automated, real-time alerts. Smart Alerts are delivered via email or text, and 24/7 real-time dashboards are monitoring on an ongoing basis. More information is available here.

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