Meet Kathryn Scourby

Kathryn Scourby
KNS Consulting

When did you know you wanted this job?

I became involved in Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity in the legal world in the mid 2000’s when I became the Business Continuity Manager  for a large global law firm.  After initially working with consultants, I realized how passionate I was about working in this world, and once I retired from the law firm, I knew the next step for me was to start my own business and become a speaker and consultant.

What was your first “win” that made you confident that you were doing the right thing?

Until I moved into the Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity world, I was not a public speaker and I also was not very passionate about my career.  Once I was asked to start speaking about disaster preparedness and business continuity topics I quickly realized that I was passionate about these topics. People who listened to my presentations complimented me on how passionate I was when speaking and that gave me the “win” and the confidence to become a full time speaker and consultant.

How do you avoid being complacent in your role?

I try to avoid complacency by speaking to audiences of all sizes that will take me out of my comfort zone.  I am also expanding my horizons and taking on consulting roles with companies and businesses that are out of the legal environment (my background for 40+ years).  I like this different journey in my professional life.

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Continuity Insights Management Conference

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