Building Envelope & Exteriors

Quiz Of The Week: Is Your Business Winter-Ready?

Continuity Insights Quiz of the Week
Take this quiz to discover how smart technology can minimize disruptions and keep your operations running smoothly when the weather gets tough!

Landscape Equipment For Disaster Response

Disaster Response Landscaping Equipment
From rotating spotlights to excavators, this assortment of disaster response equipment will ensure your team is ready to respond to emergencies.

Door Security: Ensuring Safe Community Spaces

The CEO of the Door and Hardware Institute (DHI) discusses new guidelines that promote door opening safety education and awareness.

EPA Announces Four Stormwater Centers Of Excellence

Stormwater Centers Of Excellence
Located in New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Nevada and Maryland, Centers of Excellence will improve stormwater infrastructure across the U.S.

Balancing Code Requirements For Storm Shelter Doors

Implementation of comprehensive severe weather solutions — such as storm shelter doors — and adherence to codes and requirements mitigates risks and protects lives in harsh environmental conditions.

Roof Design, Breach Points Among Mitigation Topics For Post-Tornado Rebuild

FEMA building specialists give information on how to repair, retrofit, or rebuild homes to be safer and stronger before the next disaster.

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