The importance of consulting subject matter experts on a wide-range of critical BC/DR issue cannot be overstated. It’s the reason why Continuity Insights invites recognized subject matter experts to be part of its annual Management Conference – to stimulate conversations and answer your relevant business continuity and resiliency questions with authority, credibility, and insight.
By providing thoughtful answers to your critical questions, these SMEs will help you establish the credibility within your own company to speak to with authority as you work toward building a more resilient organization.
The 2020 Continuity Insights Management Conference has scheduled a series of topical “Ask the Panels” for this year’s event, April 20-22, 2020, at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort, San Antonio, Texas. This year’s panels will be devoted to the following topics.
Breaking the Mold – Innovative Perspectives on Leadership
This inspirational panel will share the stories of how four of the industry’s most successful members shaped their careers and pushed our profession in new directions. A mix of humor, struggle, success, and lessons learned, this session will offer advice on how to stay energized and smash the glass ceiling through hard work, and positivity, while never accepting “good enough” as an answer.
A Team of One: Challenges and Advantages
In today’s world, with remote employees, social media, electronic storage of information, and ever-changing business operations, the business continuity environment must adjust while still meeting established standards and that can be challenging, especially in a smaller department or if it’s part of your full-time job or a department of one. As Simon Sinek said, “a boss has the title, a leader has the people” and continuity cannot be successful without a strong, inspirational, inventive leader. Join this session as the presenter answers your questions and shares her trials and successes, as a one-person department with responsibility for more than 8,000 employees and close to 400 different locations.
Tales from the Real World
What can we learn from the experiences, travails, challenges of the experts? In this session approximately 10 individuals, collectively with over 200 years of BCDR experience, will be assembled to present their unique challenge or mini-case that they have experienced that is outside of the business continuity norm; something that you can’t address from a textbook of best practices. A cadre of experts will each relay an example of a method, practice, use-case, etc. that they have used or plan to use that is outside of the BC/DR norm.
From Terrorism to Twitter and Beyond: The New Era of Emergency Management
With so many varied and emerging threats we must continue to focus on and plan for, including terrorism, domestic terrorism, cybersecurity, active intruder incidents, and infectious diseases, the evolution of social media in disasters, and the ever-increasing importance of effective crisis communications both before, during, and after any emergency situation is critical. The learning objectives during this discussion will cover: new threats must we plan for, perhaps many of which didn’t exist 15-20 years ago; understanding the evolution of social media in disasters, and how to harness the power of social media before, during, and after a disaster; reviewing your existing plans and providing tips on what to include to ensure they are properly prepared for these new and emerging risks.
Register and learn more about the 2020 Continuity Insights Management Conference.