The importance of consulting subject matter experts on a wide-range of critical BC/DR issue cannot be overstated. It’s the reason why Continuity Insights invites recognized subject matter experts to be part of the “Ask the Experts” track during the annual Continuity Insights Management Conference – to stimulate conversations and answer your relevant business continuity and resiliency questions with authority, credibility, and insight.
By providing thoughtful answers to your critical questions, these SMEs will help you establish the credibility within your own company to speak to with authority as you work toward building a more resilient organization.
The 2019 Continuity Insights Management Conference has scheduled four topical “Ask the Panels” for this year’s event, April 15-17 at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, Louisiana. This year’s panels will be devoted to the following topics.
Meet the Millennials
Many of the past “millennial” presentations have typically been presented by GenX or Boomers. This year we’ve assembled a panel of millennials with experience implementing emergency management, crisis management, and business continuity programs for large, international organizations. We hope to debunk many of the myths, and help you craft your program to speak to the younger generation. This session will discuss:
- Motivating millennials by giving them the truthful mission
- Working as part of a team laser-focused on getting results
- Understanding how millennials work: give flexibility, and they can accomplish anything
Robots, AI, and Automation: Keeping Your Job in the Future of Business Continuity
When Gartner is giving advice on preparing your organization for the near-future impact of robots, AI, and automation (RAIA), it’s time to start paying attention. No matter how the impending “Fourth Industrial Revolution” will actually take shape, there is no question it will impact our lives and professions. Part one of this panel discussion will focus on the growing capabilities of RAIA in general and how they will impact our work in the near future. Part two will focus on what these changes might mean to the BC profession, and what it might look like to be a BC practitioner in the 2020s. Part three will focus on the skills you need to start developing now in order to adapt to the forthcoming changes. Join a lively discussion ranging from Cyberdyne Systems to automated BIAs offered by respected though leaders within the preparedness industry.
Tales from the Real World
What can we learn from the experiences, travails, challenges of the experts? In this session approximately 10 individuals, collectively with over 200 years of BCDR experience, will be assembled to present their unique challenge or mini-case that they have experienced that is outside of the business continuity norm; something that you can’t address from a textbook of best practices. A cadre of experts will each relay an example of a method, practice, use-case, etc. that they have used or plan to use that is outside of the BC/DR norm.
Building an Engaging Program: It Starts with YOU!
This panel session will present new strategies for taking your program to next level. The panel will share how they’ve successfully built more vibrant programs by increasing engagement within their organizations, participating in local professional groups, actively promoting new ideas, and solving problems within their communities. Want a vibrant program? You have to be active yourself! The panel will focus on how to increase program engagement, from the executive suite, down to the individual business units providing information for BIAs, AIAs, etc. The discussion will include success stories from industry professionals (non-vendor), each with a different program. You’ll also be presented with ideas and takeaways to use in your own program, i.e. increasing program buy-in, gaining executive sponsorship, and making your program more visible and valuable to the business overall.
Register and learn more about the 2019 Continuity Insights Management Conference.