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Continuity Insights Management Conference

April 26th 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS

C13: Aligning Disaster Recovery to Company Technical Direction and Objectives        
Andrea Houtkin, Houtkin Consulting, Inc.              
Our DR environments are being left behind – because of cloud migrations and the fact that the enterprise tends to separate production and DR – a fault of our own doing. Building a load-balanced set of data centers, expanding the change management process to include simultaneous implementations for both data centers, integrating DR documentation in the production-related technical repositories and refining the technical processes and procedures can help a company keep focused on the importance of DR prep and readiness.   



C14: So Many Platforms, So Little Time
Rich Smith, Veoci
Organizations must satisfy various planning requirements and due to the evolving technology landscape a segmented approach is often utilized. Business Continuity, Business Impact Analysis, Risk Assessment, IT DR Plans, Crisis Management Plans, Emergency Action Plans, Communications Plans, Real-Time Threat Analysis and others are often maintained, stored and made actionable in multiple systems. The use of multiple systems coupled with the need for real-time communication using normal business systems ultimately results in confusion and duplication of effort. This session will discuss pros and cons to a segmented approach and examine solutions to consolidate information gathering so that it may be leveraged by multiple teams regardless of the source of truth they rely on.


E9: You’re a CISO and Now you’re Running a BC Program
Kevin Finch, Sayers
Three CISO’s in disparate industries (Banking, Healthcare, and Home Services) have recently been tasked with overseeing and improving their company’s business continuity program. This presentation looks at this trend, and how synergies between the goals and works of InfoSec and Business Continuity can make this marriage between disciplines viable. It also looks at a few pitfalls to avoid if this is happening at your company, and then explores seven specific actions that CISO’s can take right away if they suddenly find themselves running a BC Program Office.



E10: Bricolage: Professional Relationship Management Strategies for Practitioners
Jay Johnson Ed.D, Mayo Clinic
The presentation is an exploration of how the continuity practitioner can benefit professionally and personally through a thoughtful and intentional approach to professional relationship management strategy. We often approach relationships without a methodology, either because doing so come naturally to us, or because we feel that using a methodology casts shadow of insincerity or superficiality. The takeaways are all about how we can recognize our skills, and the areas where we are less skilled, so that we can work to build networks of valued colleagues who can support one another professionally and personally.

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