We are all experiencing ever-increasing uncertainty and change. The organization and its people must have the ability to change, evolve, and adapt in response to changing circumstances and the ability to apply existing resources to new purposes in order to survive and thrive.
Join ICOR on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. ET for Adaptability & Flexibility – Are you living like a slinky?, an educational webinar that will help you learn how to be more flexible and adaptable and to understand what kind of mechanisms should exist allowing organizations and its people to continuously evolve and to modify their activities rather than seeking solutions based on the status quo.
With your participation, you will receive 1 (one) continuing education hour.
Webinar Learning Objectives:
- Understand the how to increase your skills in adaptability and flexibility
- Learn how to be more adaptable and flexible in your response to change
- Consider how to apply this knowledge to hiring and professional development practices
Registration is now open here.
ICOR’s unique certification recognizes the capabilities of those who lead in increasing the resilience of their organization. It credentials personnel who understand two or more of the disciplines that build a more resilient organization.