5 Key Differences: BC and DR

Business continuity and disaster recovery are so closely related that they are often offered as a combined service with its own acronym: Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR). Nevertheless, you should know the difference between business continuity and disaster recovery as well as instances where they overlap, how they work together, and why you need a plan ... Read more

Business continuity and disaster recovery are so closely related that they are often offered as a combined service with its own acronym: Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR). Nevertheless, you should know the difference between business continuity and disaster recovery as well as instances where they overlap, how they work together, and why you need a plan for both.

Read more about the five key differences at Quest Technology Management here.

Webinars, Podcasts & Videos

Business Continuity Webinar

Did You Miss Our Latest Business Continuity Webinar?

It's not too late! You can still watch the “Business Continuity Exercise Planning and Facilitation Techniques To Start Now” video webinar.

facility resilience webinar

From Prevention To Action: The Role Of Facilities Management In Handling Emergencies And Maintenance

This free webinar on facility resilience will provide actionable strategies to safeguard assets, protect lives, and ensure operational continuity.

adaptive decision-making

Listen Now: Decision-Making During A Crisis

Robert C. Chandler, Ph.D, Founder and Principal of Emperiria discusses his research on adaptive decision-making in this podcast.

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